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Attorney General Ellison warns of growing reports of mortgage assistance scams
The warning is part of the Attorney General’s monthly Scam Stopper series, aiming to help protect Minnesota consumers from common scams
"I cannot abide scammers targeting anyone in Minnesota, especially people who are already going through financial difficulty,” said Attorney General Ellison. “Unfortunately, that is exactly what mortgage assistance scammers are doing to folks who are struggling with their mortgages.”

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Attorney General Ellison shuts down nonprofit accused of being a conduit for fraud
Investigation found misuse by founder and president Mekfira Hussein of Shamsia Hopes’ charitable assets
“Minnesota nonprofit corporations are obligated by law to spend money on their mission alone, not to enrich their founders or the founders’ families,” Attorney General Ellison said. “Illegal activity like this risks eroding Minnesotans’ faith in our non-profits, which would be a genuine shame given the important work non-profits do across our state every single day.”

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Attorney General Ellison secures relief for asylum seekers harmed by immigration attorney’s misrepresentations
Settlement secures roughly $100,000 in refunds for dozens of immigrants who paid for legal services not properly rendered
“I am pleased that DPB Legal has now agreed to refund clients who were misinformed about the asylum process,” said Attorney General Ellison. “Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s what we do in those moments of recognizing our errors that matters the most. We appreciate Mr. Brown's cooperation.”

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Attorney General Ellison issues inaugural ‘Working for Workers’ report
Report highlights ways Office helps workers fight wage theft; to be issued annually around Labor Day
“I am proud to release this inaugural ‘Working for Workers’ report, which highlights the excellent work this division does on behalf of Minnesotans. As long as I remain your Attorney General, this Office will always work for working people.” Attorney General Ellison said.

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Attorney General Ellison sues online retailer for selling $900K in products he didn’t deliver, advertising charitable support he didn’t provide
Files lawsuit against William Shocinski, Jr. and multiple businesses he has owned for thousands of violations of Minnesota’s consumer protection laws
“It’s simple: when you order a product from a legitimate business online, you should receive that product,” Attorney General Ellison said. “If the business cannot fill that order, you should get your money back.”

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Attorney General Ellison Secures $35 Insulin for Minnesotans

Attorney General Keith Ellison reached a settlement with insulin manufacturers Eli Lilly and Sanofi, which guarantees that Minnesotans will be able to purchase Eli Lilly and Sanofi insulin products for just $35 for the next 5 years.

Click here for more information and find out everything you need to know to obtain a month’s supply of insulin for $35, or for free, in some instances.

AGO Office Remodel

The Attorney General’s Office is remodeling its current office space and for everyone’s safety during this time, we are temporarily discontinuing the practice of in-person meetings with consumers and attempting to limit incoming mail. We are still committed to serving you in the best and most timely way possible. If you would like to speak with an analyst, we ask that you please call us. If you need help with a consumer problem and would like this Office to contact an organization on your behalf, we ask you to file a complaint using the Online Consumer Assistance Request Form. Thank you for your understanding.

Tips for fundraisers and donors
Know your rights and responsibilities as a fundraiser or donor to charitable causes

The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office serves as the chief regulator of charities in Minnesota. The Charities Division of the Office is dedicated to educating fundraisers and charities about their responsibilities under the law and ensure they comply with the law, and to educating donors about their rights and how to know they are donating to reliable charities with a track record of delivering results. As such, the Office offers resources for the public including tips on researching charities, avoiding scams, and reporting questionable practices.

Report Cover
Report on Emerging Technology and Its Effects on Youth Well-Being - February 2024 Report

The Emerging Technology Report details the harmful effects that emerging technologies, like social media platforms and artificial intelligence, are having on young people in Minnesota. The report also makes a series of recommendations for policymakers to create a safer and healthier online environment for children and teenagers. Read the full report or the press release for more information.

Affording Your Life Podcast
Listen to the AG's New Podcast!

Affording Your Life with Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is your podcast about fairness, justice, and consumer information to help you afford your life.

Available on all major platforms

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Dose of Reality MN

Overdose deaths from opioids are increasing at an alarming rate. We are losing too many Minnesotans to painkillers, heroin, and other opioids. Use DoseOfReality.MN.gov to learn more about prescription painkiller abuse and how you can do your part to prevent it in Minnesota.