
All publications on this page are free to Minnesota residents. You may view and print an electronic copy by clicking the PDF or HTML link to the right of the publication’s title.

These brochures are intended to be used as a source for general information and is not provided as legal advice.

For a listing of publications available in Spanish, see section below entitled “Español.”
Para una lista de publicaciones disponibles en español vea la sección titulada “En Español.”

* Publication is a Handbook


Buying a Car: Optional Products (PDF) (HTML)
Car Handbook* (PDF) (HTML)
Car Shops: Truth in Repairs (PDF) (HTML)
Curbstoning (PDF) (HTML)
Flooded or Salvaged Used Cars (PDF) (HTML)
Minnesota's Car Laws* (PDF) (HTML)
Motor Vehicle Service Contracts (PDF) (HTML)
Online Car Sales (PDF) (HTML)
Renting a Car (PDF) (HTML)
Transferring Title to a Motor Vehicle (PDF) (HTML)
Used Car Shopping (PDF) (HTML)

Charitable Giving

Charitable Athletic Events: How to Stay on Course (PDF) (HTML)
Checking Up On Charities and Their Fundraisers (PDF) (HTML)
Do Not Just Follow the Crowd on "Crowdfunding" Websites (PDF) (HTML)
Donating Your Vehicle to Charity (PDF) (HTML)
Giving to Charities: Facts, Scams, and Tips (PDF) (HTML)
Guide for Charity Board Members (PDF) (HTML)
Guide to Minnesota's Charities Laws (PDF) (HTML)
Nonprofit Organization Resources (PDF)
What Individuals Need to Know When Raising Money for a Charitable Cause (PDF) (HTML)

Computers & Internet

Computer Malware and Phishing Schemes (PDF) (HTML)
Computer Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Heads Up: Stop. Think. Connect. (PDF)
How to Contest Online Business Reviews (PDF) (HTML)
Internet and Television Service Bait and Switch (PDF) (HTML)
Internet Safety: How to Protect Yourself Against Hackers (PDF) (HTML)
Look-alike Websites (PDF) (HTML)
Malicious Emails (PDF) (HTML)
Netcetera: Chatting with Kids About Being Online (PDF)
Online Auctions (PDF) (HTML)
Online Shopping Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Prevent Cyberbullying and Online Harassment (PDF) (HTML)
Social Media Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Using Public Wi-Fi Networks (PDF) (HTML)
What You Can Do About Junk Email (PDF) (HTML)

Court Procedures & Legal Rights

Answering a Lawsuit (PDF) (HTML)
Conciliation Court* (PDF) (HTML)
Contract Cooling-Off Periods (PDF) (HTML)
Expungement of Criminal Records (PDF) (HTML)
Garnishment (PDF) (HTML)
Government Assistance & Labor Poster Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Guide for Victims of Stalking (PDF) (HTML)
Hiring an Attorney (PDF) (HTML)
How to Assert Your Rights as a Consumer (PDF) (HTML)
Minnesota False Claims Act (PDF) (HTML)
Rights and Resources for Victims of Domestic Abuse (PDF) (HTML)
Right to Repair in Minnesota (PDF) (HTML)
THE ZONE: Drug-Free Zones (PDF) (HTML)
Unclaimed Property (PDF) (HTML)
Unordered Merchandise (PDF) (HTML)
Vulnerable Adult Abuse (PDF) (HTML)

Credit & Personal Finance

ATM and Gas Pump Skimmers (PDF) (HTML)
Card Services Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Cosigning a Loan (PDF) (HTML)
Credit Card Statements (PDF) (HTML)
Credit Handbook* (PDF) (HTML)
Credit Report Security Freezes and Fraud Alerts (PDF) (HTML)
Credit Reports (PDF) (HTML)
Credit Scores (PDF) (HTML)
Debt Assistance Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Debt Buyers (PDF) (HTML)
Debt Collection Fact Sheet (PDF) (HTML)
Fraudulent Coin Dealers (PDF) (HTML)
Gift Cards and Gift Certificates (PDF) (HTML)
Gift Cards: There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch (PDF) (HTML)
How to Dispute Bogus Credit, Debit, and ATM Card Charges (PDF) (HTML)
Internet Loans (PDF) (HTML)
Living Trust Mills (PDF) (HTML)
Payday Loans (PDF) (HTML)
Pension Advance Schemes (PDF) (HTML)
Probate and Planning* (PDF) (HTML)
Refinancing Scams (PDF) (HTML)
The Holder Rule: Loans on Defective or Fraudulent Products (PDF) (HTML)
Unwanted Credit Card Offers (PDF) (HTML)
When Debt Collectors Come Calling and You Don't Owe the Money (PDF) (HTML)


Common Employment Issues (PDF) (HTML)
Deferred Action Policy (PDF) (HTML)
Employment Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Independent Contractor Misclassification (PDF) (HTML)
Migrant Worker Rights (PDF) (HTML)
Wage Theft (PDF) (HTML)
Women’s Economic Security in Minnesota (PDF) (HTML)
Work-at-Home Scams (PDF) (HTML)

Health Care

Dose of Reality: Prescription Painkiller Abuse (PDF) (HTML)
Health Care Credit Cards (PDF) (HTML)
Know Your Hospital Status (PDF) (HTML)
Long-Term Care Insurance (PDF) (HTML)
Managing Your Health Care (PDF) (HTML)
Medical Alert Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Medical Billing (PDF) (HTML)
Unlicensed Health Plans (PDF) (HTML)

Housing & Utilities

Buying A Timeshare (PDF) (HTML)
Community Solar Gardens (PDF) (HTML)
Condominium and Townhome Associations (PDF) (HTML)
Contract For Deed (PDF) (HTML)
Disaster Information (PDF) (HTML)
Hiring a Mover (PDF) (HTML)
Home Building and Remodeling * (PDF) (HTML)
Home Buyer's Handbook * (PDF) (HTML)
Home Improvement Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Home Seller's Handbook* (PDF) (HTML)
Landlords and Tenants* (PDF) (HTML)
Manufactured Home Parks* (PDF) (HTML)
Manufactured Home Parks: What if the Park Rules Change? (PDF) (HTML)
Mortgage Assistance Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Mortgage Fact Sheet (PDF) (HTML)
Mortgage Foreclosure (PDF) (HTML)
Moving into an Apartment (PDF) (HTML)
Out-of-State Companies Posing as Local Locksmiths (PDF) (HTML)
Propane Gas (PDF) (HTML)
Real Estate Deed Solicitation Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Rental Listing Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Residential Solar Systems (PDF) (HTML)
Television Service (PDF) (HTML)
Utility Disconnection (PDF) (HTML)
Vacating Your Apartment (PDF) (HTML)

Identity Theft & Protecting Personal Info

Equifax Data Breach (PDF) (HTML)
Guarding Your Privacy * (PDF) (HTML)
Phishing (PDF) (HTML)
Protect Personal Information (PDF) (HTML)
Protect Yourself from Identity Theft (PDF) (HTML)
Public Information and the Internet (PDF) (HTML)
Spear Phishing (PDF) (HTML)
Tax Related Identity Theft and Other Tax Scams (PDF) (HTML)
What to Do When Your Personal Information is Breached (PDF) (HTML)
When in Doubt, Don't Give it Out (PDF) (HTML)


"Can You Hear Me?" Scam Calls (PDF) (HTML)
"Spoofed" Local Phone Numbers (PDF) (HTML)
Calls from Your Own Phone Number (PDF) (HTML)
Do Not Call Registry and Unwanted Calls (PDF) (HTML)
Do Not Dial "1" to Stop Bogus Calls (PDF) (HTML)
Do Not Get "Crammed" - Avoid Unwanted Charges on Your Phone Bill (PDF) (HTML)
Prepaid Calling Cards (PDF) (HTML)
Reducing Unwanted Calls and Mail (PDF) (HTML)
Smartphone Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Telephone Slamming (PDF) (HTML)
Text Message Phishing - or "Smishing" - Scams (PDF) (HTML)
The Phone Handbook * (PDF) (HTML)
Understanding Your Telephone Bill (PDF) (HTML)
Voice Phishing - or "Vishing" - Calls (PDF) (HTML)
Wireless Phones (PDF) (HTML)

Scams & Schemes

Advance Fee Loan Schemes & Other Financial Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Business Compliance Solicitation Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Credit Card Processing Service Solicitations (PDF) (HTML)
Door-To-Door Security Alarm Sales (PDF) (HTML)
Estate Sale Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Fake Check Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Fake Invoices Targeted at Businesses (PDF) (HTML)
Foreign Lotteries (PDF) (HTML)
Free Trial Offers Usually Have Strings Attached (PDF) (HTML)
How to Spot a Scam (PDF) (HTML)
Imposter Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Internet Escrow Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Intimidation Scams (PDF) (HTML)
IRS Imposters Continue to Call (PDF) (HTML)
Jamaican Lottery Scam (PDF) (HTML)
Magazine Subscription Solicitations (PDF) (HTML)
Modern Technology Fuels Old Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Online Dating and Romance Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Phony Debt Collection Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Phony Solicitations for Grants (PDF) (HTML)
Premature Magazine Renewal Notices (PDF) (HTML)
Prepaid Debit Card Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Real Deal on Rebates (PDF) (HTML)
Recovery Scams: Don't Be Scammed Again (PDF) (HTML)
Secret Shopper Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Small Business Advertising Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Survey Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Sweepstakes Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Tax Preparer Fees and "Tax Time" Financial Products (PDF) (HTML)
Tax Relief Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Timeshare Resale Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Utility Shut-Off Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Vacation Travel Packages (PDF) (HTML)


Annuities: Unsuitable Investments for Seniors (PDF) (HTML)
Don't Throw Your Retirement Savings Down the Drain (PDF) (HTML)
Door-To-Door Sales and Telemarketers That Target Seniors (PDF) (HTML)
Financial Powers of Attorney (PDF) (HTML)
Medicare and Social Security Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Reverse Mortgages (PDF) (HTML)
Scams Targeting Grandparents (PDF) (HTML)
Seniors' Guide to Fighting Fraud (PDF) (HTML)
Seniors' Legal Rights * (PDF) (HTML)
Unwanted Mail to Seniors (PDF) (HTML)


For-Profit Colleges: Do Your Homework (PDF) (HTML)
Scholarship and Financial Aid Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Student Loan Assistance Scams (PDF) (HTML)
Student Loan Handbook * (PDF) (HTML)


Military Service Members Relief (PDF) (HTML)
Veterans and Service Members * (PDF) (HTML)


Formulario de Solicitud de Asistencia al Consumidor (PDF) (HTML)
Fomulario de queja para robo de salario (PDF) (HTML)
La Compra de Carros Usados (PDF)
¿Cómo Podemos Ayudar? (PDF)
Contratos de servicio vehicular (PDF)
Corte de Conciliación* (PDF)
Cuando los cobradores de deudas llaman Y usted no debe el dinero (PDF)
Dueños E Inquilinos* (PDF)
Hoja de Datos de Colección de Deuda (PDF)
El Manual Del Auto* (PDF)
NETCÉTERA: Cómo charlar con los niños sobre su comportamiento en línea (PDF)
Parques de Casas Moviles * (PDF)
Parques de casas prefabricadas: ¿Qué sucede si cambian las reglas del parque? (PDF)
Presta atención: Para. Piensa. Conéctate (PDF)
Robo de Salario (PDF)
La Seguridad Económica de las Mujeres en Minnesota (PDF)
Ser Mal Clasificado Como Contratista Independiente (PDF)
Sus derechos como trabajador migrante en Minnesota (PDF)
Política de Acción Diferida del DHS (PDF)


Qhov Chaw, Zam Thiab Tshaj Tawm Kev Dag Ntxias (Fraud Handbook) (PDF)
Yuav Zam Txoj Kev Dag Ntxias Li Cas (How to Avoid a Scam) (PDF)
Cov Kev Dag Ntxhias thiab Koj Cov Lag Luam Me (Small Business Scams) (PDF)
Yuav Ua Li Cas Yog Tias Koj Raug Dag Ntxias (What to do if scammed) (PDF)


Ka feejignoow, Iska ilaali oo Soo sheeg Tuugada (Fraud Handbook) (PDF)
Sida Burcadda Interneetka la Iskaga ilaaliyo (How to Avoid a Scam) (PDF)
Burcadda iyo Ganacsigaaga Yar (Small Business Scams) (PDF)
Waxa aad Samayneyso haddii Interneetka Lagugu Dhaco (What to do if scammed) (PDF)


Consumer Assistance Request Form (PDF) (HTML)
Minnesota Tenant Report Form (PDF) (HTML)
Antitrust Report Form (HTML)  
Wage Theft Complaint Form (PDF) (HTML)
Robocall Report Form (PDF) (HTML)
How We Can Help (PDF)