I. Introduction

Charitable organizations, professional fundraisers, and charitable trusts are subject to regulation under the Charitable Solicitation Act, Minn. Stat. §§ 309.50-.61, and the Supervision of Charitable Trusts and Trustees Act, Minn. Stat. §§ 501B.33-.45. Minnesota-organized nonprofits are also governed by the Nonprofit Corporation Act, Minn. Stat. ch. 317A, or equivalent statutes if the organization is a nonprofit limited liability company, Minn. Stat. § 322B.975.

This guide discusses parts of these and other statutes, including laws that require certain organizations to register with and provide notice to the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. This guide is a summary of selected portions of these laws and is not comprehensive. It is the text of the laws discussed in this guide that governs, not the guide itself. Other state and federal statutes and regulations may also apply to a particular charitable organization, professional fundraiser, or charitable trust. An organization seeking legal advice about how the laws discussed in this guide apply to its activities should refer to the statutes themselves and consult a private attorney.

All forms referenced in this guide that charitable organizations, professional fundraisers, charitable trusts, and other nonprofits must file with the Attorney General’s Office are available on the "Forms and Instruction for Registration and Reporting" webpage.